Tuesday, October 13, 2009

People were asked to "knock" at a cafe full of smoke

Requests Gospotrebstandart citizens actively exercise their right to breathe clean air. New anti-smoking law, which came into force on 11 July, among other things, requires owners of cafes and restaurants equipped with seats, completely isolated from tobacco smoke - not less than 50% of the area. "If the cafe is only one room, you can not smoke in it at all, because the smoke in any case fall into the zone for non-smokers", - said deputy Gospotrebstandarta Yuri Shirko. According to him, now has a moratorium on planned inspections entered Cabinet, so his agency has the right to conduct only spot checks of catering - on request of a party. The amount of fine imposed on the owners of cafes and restaurants, an inspector shall, depending on the area of the premises, the conduct of the owner, the average number of visitors and can vary from 1 to 10 thousand UAH.
It is interesting that under the new law restricting smoking in public places, are not subject to summer grounds cafes. They are not any buildings or structures, explained head of the department of tobacco control for Strategic Studies Institute of the Ministry of Health Constantine Krasovskii: "Smokers - dependent people, so they left to smoke where the smoke will bring the least harm."
Owners of networks catering reacted calmly to the new rules. "We have before that smoking was either prohibited or permitted in rooms with extracts", - said director of marketing network of pizzerias Galina Kashcheeva. In establishments where the premises is not so smooth, worry that they will now be "knocking" in Gospotrebstandart not so much customers as competitors.

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